Variable names for the bivariate pain data set. tol11 tol12 tol13 and tol14 are the pain tolerances, measured in seconds for 4 trials. rat11 rat12 rat13 and rat14 are the pain ratings for 4 trials. ses is socio-economic status on an unknown scale age_years, age_months are self-explanatory. tmt0 is treatment group 1=attend 2=distract 3=none cs0 is coping style 1=attend 2=distract gender 2=female, 1=male Other variables should be yes/no or 1-5 type questions whose exact definitions have been lost in the mists of time. id ses age_years age_months gender tmt0 cs0 helpful easy tol11 tol12 rat11 rat12 tol13 tol14 rat13 rat14 senscat1 cpantic1