Resistance Training Study

I saw a study on resistance training, and it came with a free evaluation. I wanted to know how many ohms I was and how to make it higher or lower, so I tried to enroll. Might prove handy in case of an electrical storm out on the golf course.  Unfortunately they wanted smokers and wanted to help them quit. I went out and bought some cigarettes, but I couldn't stand to smoke them. So I tried a cigar, figuring I just had to keep the smoke going until my clothes were saturated, but I couldn't manage to keep the cigar lit. Won't be learning about my resistance. Fortunately, after I do a load of clothes, the smell will be gone.

Diet Study 1

I'm interested in losing weight; read an ad in the stairwell for a diet study.  They want people with a BMI of at least 30.  I'm at 28 or so.  So this Christmas I'm eating all the chocolate ice cream I can manage.  Plan to hit 30 in the middle of next week, no problem.  

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